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Solana Connect Integration

support version >=0.1.3

This documentation will guide you in the easiest way to connect your This guide will walk you through the easiest way to connect your DApp with the UXUY Wallet application.

Using the SDK

You can use the @uxuycom/web3-tg-sdk to connect your DApp to the UxuyWallet application.


Install the UXUY SDK packages via npm:

npm install @uxuycom/web3-tg-sdk @solana/web3.js @solana/spl-token

use Solana Connect

import { WalletTgSdk } from '@uxuycom/web3-tg-sdk';

const { solana } = new WalletTgSdk({
// injected: true; // inject provider from window.solana if not provided
// metaData: {
// name: 'Your DApp Name',
// icon: ''
// }

const solanaProvoder = solana


    const isConnected = solanaProvider.isConnected 
const isConnected = solanaProvider.connected;


    const address = solanaProvider.publicKey.toString();

Connecting to the Wallet

    await solanaProvoder.connect();


const address = await solanaProvider.getAccount()

Signing Messages

When a web application is connected to UXUY Wallet, it can also request that the user signs a given message. Applications are free to write their own messages which will be displayed to users from within UXUY Wallet.'s signature prompt. Message signatures do not involve network fees and are a convenient way for apps to verify ownership of an address.

For more information on how to verify the signature of a message, please refer to tweetnacl-js.

try {

const { publicKey, signature } = await solanaProvider.signMessage(Buffer.from("0x1232131").toString("hex"));

} catch (e) {
// Error handling

General Transfer

For making transfers using Solana, refer to examples.

import { TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID getMint } from '@solana/spl-token';

import { Connection, PublicKey, SystemProgram, Transaction, PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js';
const connection = new Connection("<your rpc endpoint>");
const transaction = new Transaction();

const fromAddress= solanaProvider.publicKey.toString()

const fromPubkey = new PublicKey(fromAddress)
const toPubkey = new PublicKey("ADVQ12wFnABx7gxFJHc6YTh4MYG6DBWH8HcDUhoaQkQq");

fromPubkey: fromPubkey,
toPubkey: toPubkey,
lamports: 0.0001 * 1e9, // 10^9 = 1 SOL

transaction.feePayer = fromPubkey; //feePayer
transaction.recentBlockhash = (await connection.getRecentBlockhash())?.blockhash; // 最新的交易hash

const signedTransaction = await solanaProvider.signTransaction(transaction)
await connection.sendRawTransaction(signedTransaction.serialize());

